Faith and Work

Hollywood Prayer Network

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Hollywood Prayer Network (HPN) is a nonprofit organization led by professionals in the Hollywood entertainment industry that seeks to build a bridge between the church and Hollywood through prayer and community-building. HPN is committed to asking Christians everywhere to pray for the artists, professionals, projects, productions, and global impact of Hollywood: the world’s most influential mission field. It is their passion to mobilize people around the world to engage culture, pray for the media, encourage young creatives arriving in LA, and network professionals who live and work here, all with an attitude of love.

Whether you’re an industry professional desiring prayer or a Christian with a heart to pray, join HPN in bringing God’s love, hope and healing to an industry that dramatically shapes our world. They would love to pray for you anytime through their website,, or a call to 323-462-8486.

Join Us Sunday!



10AM 1309 N Wilton Pl

Hope Center

5PM 4903 Fountain Ave



10AM Anywhere
Pre loader
