Who We Are

We’re seeking the renewal of Los Angeles through the good news of Jesus. 

Reality LA is a church of broken people being made new by Jesus and we long to see that renewal spread throughout Los Angeles. Our city is filled with injustice, loneliness, and millions of people who are far from God. But we believe Jesus changes everything. So we’re seeking the renewal of Los Angeles through the good news of Jesus. We long to see lives transformed, the lonely brought into family, and the City of Angels further resemble the City of God.
What We Do
We make disciples who follow Jesus, love one another, and serve Los Angeles.
There’s a lot going on in the life of our church, but it all comes down to this: we make disciples who follow Jesus, love one another, and serve Los Angeles. That is our focus and mission. Each aspect of our mission is anchored in practical ministry efforts.

Follow Jesus
Jesus makes you a new person with a new family on a new mission. The Discipleship Pathway helps us live in light of that beautiful reality.

Love One Another
By God’s grace we are adopted into a new family and given a seat at the table. Community Groups are spread out all over the city and each one is meant to function as a family of disciples on mission with Jesus.

Serve Los Angeles
Many people come to LA to take. We’re here to give. The Hope Center, which is one of the most tangible expressions of service to our city, is a center for holistic renewal and training in the heart of Los Angeles.

The essence of our DNA
and culture can be
summed up in what we
call Orthodoxy In Exile.
By “orthodoxy” we mean that we are unabashedly biblical, upholding the historic doctrines of Christianity and proclaiming the gospel of Jesus as the ultimate answer to sin and sorrow. Yet we are called by God to Los Angeles, a city where it’s not easy to follow Jesus and often feels like exile. But God looks on this city with compassion. So as we seek to flourish in Los Angeles, we seek the flourishing of Los Angeles. Our values help us to live in this tension.
Gospel-Centered Ministry We are not the answer - Jesus is.
Biblical Faithfulness We embrace the whole counsel of God.
Whole-Life Discipleship We follow Jesus in all of life.
Desperate Prayer We pray about everything.
Sacrificial Service We’re all here to give.
Urban Rootedness We are in the city for the city.
Multi-Cultural Community We are one family from many nations.
Relational Compassion We receive and reflect the care of Christ.
Holistic Mission We proclaim the gospel and pursue justice.
Kingdom Mindset We do it all for the glory of our King.
Our Story
The story of Reality LA is a story of God’s abundant grace and faithfulness. Learn more about our first ten years as a church, about the family of churches that planted us, about the churches we’ve planted, and about our history and mission as a family in Los Angeles.
Statement of Faith
The foundational beliefs that shape our community and our practices as we pursue our mission to love God, love one another, and love our city.
Jesus is the church’s Chief Shepherd, under which Reality LA practices a shared leadership model of church government that consists of the biblical offices of elder and deacon, and a staff that equips the members for the work of ministry.