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Claris Health Diaper Drive


As beloved children of God, we desire to actively engage Los Angeles the way God engages with us. As Christ first loved us, so we love our city.

How do we come alongside moms and dads who have chosen to continue with their pregnancy and become parents? How do we walk alongside those who have made the hard decision to entrust their child to adoption? How do we care for those who have experienced heartbreak through abortion, infertility, or adoptions falling through? How has God called this church to love and come alongside these families and individuals to walk with them in the midst of hard decisions, heartache, and a ton of poopy diapers?

While we don’t have all the right answers, as part of local missions we are pursuing holistic care for kids and families, and one of the ways we do this is through our annual Claris Health Diaper Drive.

We’re asking that you visit your local store or go online to purchase diapers of all sizes and styles, as well as wipes! You can drop them off at the Hope Center (4903 Fountain Ave, 90029), January 22-23 between 9AM and 5PM, or have them delivered directly to Claris via their Amazon Wishlist.

Any questions not answered above?

For answers to those or for more details on any other Life Cycle of Renewal beloved quarter events, please email me.

Join Us Sunday!



10AM 1309 N Wilton Pl

Hope Center

5PM 4903 Fountain Ave



10AM Anywhere
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